Explicit stochastic analysis of Brownian motion and point measures on Riemannian manifolds


Jean-Jacques Prat   Nicolas Privault
Université de La Rochelle   Université de la Rochelle
Avenue Marillac   Avenue Marillac
17042 La Rochelle Cedex   17042 La Rochelle Cedex 1
France   France



The gradient and divergence operators of stochastic analysis on Riemannian manifolds are expressed using the gradient and divergence of the flat Brownian motion. By this method we obtain the almost-sure version of several useful identities that are usually stated under expectations. The manifold-valued Brownian motion and random point measures on manifolds are treated successively in the same framework, and stochastic analysis of the Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold turns out to be closely related to classical stochastic calculus for jump processes. In the setting of point measures we introduce a damped gradient that was lacking in the multidimensional case.

Key words: Stochastic calculus of variations, Brownian motion, random measures, Riemannian manifolds.
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 60H07, 60H25, 58-99, 58C20, 58G32, 58G99.

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