2007-04 Nicolas Privault et Anthony Réveillac: Stein estimation of Poisson process intensities. pdf
2007-03 Jean-Christophe Breton: Regularity and convergence in variation for the laws of shot noise series and of related processes pdf
2007-02 Nicolas Privault et Anthony Réveillac: Stochastic analysis on Gaussian space applied to drift estimation. pdf
2007-01 Alexey
Borovskikh et Guy Wallet: Rapport sur la sommation des séries
par le prolongement différentiel.
2006-10: Abdallah
El Hamidi et Jean-Michel
Rakotoson: Fonctions minimales pour des
inégalités de
Sobolev anisotropiques (à paraître dans "Annales de
Henri Poincaré, Analyse non linéaire"). pdf
2006-09: Jean-Philippe Furter: Fat Points Embeddings. pdf
2006-08: Jean-Philippe Furter: Jet Groups. pdf
2006-07: Jean-Philippe Furter: Quasi-locally Finite Polynomial Endomorphisms. pdf
2006-06: Laurence Cherfils et Alain
Miranville: Some remarks on the asymptotic behavior of the Caginalp
with singular potentials. pdf
2006-05: Jean-Christophe
Breton: Convergence in variation of the joint
laws of multiple stable stochastic integrals. pdf
2006-04: Khalid
Adriouch et Abdallah
El Hamidi : On local compactness in quasilinear
problems. A paraître dans
Diff. Integ. Equ. pdf
2006-03: Abdallah
El Hamidi et Jean-Michel Rakotoson: On a perturbed
anisotropic equation. Ricerche Di Matematica, volume 55 No 1 (2006)
55--69. pdf
2006-02: Aldéric
Joulin: On local Poisson-type deviation inequalities for curved continuous time
Markov chains, with applications to birth-death processes. pdf
2006-01: Aldéric
Joulin: On maximal inequalities for stable stochastic
integrals. pdf
2005-10: José Alfredo López-Mimbela et Nicolas Privault: Critical Exponents for Semilinear PDEs with Bounded Potentials. pdf
2005-09: Thomas Forget: Solutions canards en des points tournants dégénérés. pdf
2005-08: Jean-Philippe Furter et Stefan Maubach: Locally Finite Polynomial Endomorphisms. pdf
2005-07: Eric Benoît: Équation fonctionnelle: Transport et convolution. pdf
2005-06: Khalid Adriouch et Abdallah El Hamidi: The Nehari manifold for systems of nonlinear elliptic equations. pdf2005-05: Claudianor O. Alves et Abdallah El Hamidi: Nehari manifold and existence of positive solutions to a class of quasilinear problems. pdf
2005-04: Abdallah El Hamidi et Jean-Michel Rakotoson: Compactness and quasilinear problems with critical exponents. pdf
2005-03: Mokhtar Kirane, Yamina Laskri et Nasser-eddine Tatar: Critical exponents of Fujita type for certain evoluation equations and systems with spatio-temporal fractional derivatives. pdf
2005-02: Mokhtar Kirane et Yamina Laskri: Nonexistence of global solutions to a hyperbolic equation with a time fractional damping. pdf
2005-01: Mokhtar
Kirane et Nasser-eddine
Tatar: Nonexistence of solutions to a hyperbolic equation
with a
time fractional damping. pdf
2004-17: Abdallah El Hamidi et Gennady G. Laptev: Existence and nonexistence results for higher-order semilinear evolution inequalities with critical potential, à paraître dans Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. pdf
2004-16: Jean-Christophe Breton, Christian Houdré et Nicolas Privault: Dimension free and infinite variance tail estimates on Poisson space. pdf
2004-15: Jean-Christophe Breton et Youri Davydov: Local limit theorem for supremum of an empirical processes for i.i.d. random variables. pdf
2004-14: Laurence Cherfils et Yavdat Il'yasov: On the stationary solutions of generalized reaction diffusion equations with p & q Laplacian, à paraître dans Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis. pdf
2004-13: Eric Edo et Jean-Philippe Furter: Some families of polynomial automorphisms, à paraître dans Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. pdf
2004-12: Abdallah El Hamidi: Existence results to elliptic systems with nonstandard growth conditions, à paraître dans Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. pdf
2004-11: Mohamed Amara, Amira Obeid et Guy Vallet: Weighted Sobolev spaces for a degenerated nonlinear elliptic equation. pdf
2004-10: Sadjia Ait-Mokhtar: A singularly perturbed Riccati equation, à paraître dans Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. pdf
2004-09: Abdallah El Hamidi: Multiple solutions with changing sign energy to a nonlinear elliptic equation, à paraître dans Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis. pdf
2004-08: José Alfredo López-Mimbela et Nicolas Privault: Blow-up and stability of semilinear PDE's with gamma generator. pdf
2004-07: Khaled M. Furati, Nasser-eddine Tatar et Mokhtar Kirane: Existence and asymptotic behavior for a convection problem. pdf
2004-06: Mokhtar Kirane, Eric Nabana et Stanislav I. Pohozaev: Nonexistence of global solutions to an elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition. pdf
2004-05: Mokhtar Kirane et Nasser-eddine Tatar: Asymptotic behavior for a reaction diffusion system with unbounded coefficients. pdf
2004-04: Sadjia Ait-Mokhtar: Third order differential equations with fixed critical points, à paraître dans Regular And Chaotic Dynamics 9 (2004). pdf
2004-03: Hyppolite d'Albis et Emanuelle Augeraud: Competitive growth in a life-cycle model: existence and dynamics. pdf
2004-02: Mohamed Amara, Amira Obeid et Guy Vallet: Relaxed formulation and existence result of the degenerated elliptic small disturbance model, à paraître dans Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. pdf
2004-01: Abdallah
El Hamidi: Multiple solutions to a nonlinear elliptic
Paneitz type operators, à paraître dans International
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. pdf
2003-06: Uwe Franz, Nicolas Privault et René Schottt: Non-Gaussian Malliavin calculus on real Lie algebras, à paraître dans Journal of Functional Analysis. pdf
2003-05: Abdallah El Hamidi et Mokhtar Kirane: Existence and Nonexistence Results for Reaction-Diffusion Equations in Product of Cones. pdf
2003-04: Christian Houdré et Nicolas Privault: Surface measures and related functional inequalities on configuration spaces. pdf
2003-03: Catherine Stenger: On a conjecture of Wolfgang Wasow concerning the nature of turning points. pdf
2003-02: Eric Benoît et Marie-Joëlle Rochet: A continuous model of biomass size spectra governed by predation and the effects of fishing on them. pdf
2003-01: Abdallah
El Hamidi et Gennady G. Laptev: Non existence de solutions
d'inéquations semilinéaires
dans des domaines coniques, à paraître dans Bulletin
of the Belgian Mathematical
Society. pdf
2002-10: Abdallah El Hamidi et Amira Obeid: Systems of Semilinear higher order evolution inequalities on the Heisenberg group, à paraître dans Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. pdf
2002-09: Abdallah El Hamidi: Necessary conditions for local and global solvability of nondiagonal degenerate systems. Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 (2003) 109-127. pdf
2002-08: Gilles Bailly-Maitre: On the monodromy representation of polynomials. pdf
2002-07: Guy Wallet: Nonstandard generic points, à paraître dans Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society. pdf abstract
2002-06: Abdallah El Hamidi et Gennady G. Laptev: Existence and nonexistence results for reaction-diffusion equations in product of cones. Central European Journal of Mathematics 1 (2003) 61-78. pdf abstract
2002-05: Nicolas Privault et Jean-Claude Zambrini: Markovian bridges and reversible diffusions with jumps, à paraître dans Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilité & Statistiques. pdf abstract
2002-04: Hassan Lakhel, Youssef Ouknine, et Ciprian A. Tudor: Besov regularity for the indefinite Skorohod integral with respect to the fractional Brownian motion: the singular case. Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 74 (2002) 597-615. pdf abstract
2002-03: Abdallah El Hamidi et Gennady G. Laptev: Nonexistence of solutions to systems of higher-order semilinear inequalities in cone-like domains. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 97 (2002) 1-19. pdf abstract
2002-02: Rachid Bebbouchi et Eric Benoît: Equations différentielles et familles bien nées de courbes planes. pdf abstract
2002-01: Eric
Benoît, Abdallah
El Hamidi et Augustin
Fruchard: On combined asymptotic expansions in singular
perturbation. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
(2002) 1-27. pdf
2001-06: Abdallah El Hamidi: Remarques sur les sentinelles pour les systèmes distribués. pdf abstract
2001-05: Christian Houdré et Nicolas Privault: Deviation inequalities: an approach via covariance representations. Bernoulli 8 (2002) 697-720. pdf abstract
2001-04: Nicolas Privault: Distribution-valued iterated gradient and chaotic decompositions of Poisson jump times functionals. Publicacions Matemàtiques 46 (2002) 27-48. pdf abstract
2001-03: Nicolas Privault: Quasi-invariance for Lévy processes under anticipating shifts. pdf abstract
2001-02: Delphine Boucher: About the polynomial solutions of homogeneous linear differential equations depending on parameters. Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: ISSAC 99, Sam Dooley Ed., ACM, New York 1999. . pdf abstract
2001-01: Emanuelle
Augeraud et Laurent Augier:
Stabilizing endogenous fluctuations by fiscal policies: Global analysis
on piecewise continuous dynamical systems. Studies
Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 5
(2001). pdf
2000-08: Nicolas Privault: On logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for normal martingales. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse 37 (2000) 509-518. pdf abstract
2000-07: Laure Coutin, David Nualart, et Ciprian A. Tudor:Tanaka formula for the fractional Brownian motion. Stochastic Process. Appl. 94 (2001) 301-315. pdf abstract
2000-06: Changgui Zhang: Sur les fonctions q-Bessel de Jackson. Journal of Approximation Theory 122 (2003) 208-223. pdf abstract
2000-05: Nicolas Privault: Quantum stochastic calculus for the uniform measure and Boolean convolution. Séminaire de Probabilités XXXV (2001) 28-47. pdf abstract
2000-04: Guy Wallet: Déformation topologique par changement d'échelle. pdf abstract
2000-03: Changgui Zhang: La fonction theta de Jacobi et la sommabilité des séries entières q-Gevrey, I. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I 331 (2000) 31-34. pdf abstract
2000-02: Nicolas Privault: Hypothesis testing and Skorokhod stochastic integration. Journal of Applied Probability 37 (2000) 560-574. pdf abstract
2000-01: Eric
Benoît: Canards en un point pseudo-singulier noeud.
Soc. Math.
France 129 (2001) 91-113.
1999-11: Knut Aase, Bernt Øksendal, Nicolas Privault et Jan Ubøe: White noise generalizations of the Clark-Haussmann-Ocone theorem, with application to mathematical finance. Finance and Stochastics 4 (2000) 465-496. pdf abstract
1999-10: Fabienne Marotte et Changgui Zhang: Multisommabilité des séries entières solutions formelles d'une équation aux q-différences linéaire analytique. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2000 50 (2000) 1859-1890. pdf abstract
1999-9: Nicolas Privault: Connections and curvature in the Riemannian geometry of configuration spaces. Journal of Functional Analysis 185 (2001) 367-403. pdf abstract
1999-8: Augustin Fruchard et Reinhard Schäfke: Surstabilité et résonance. pdf abstract
1999-7: Nicolas Privault et Jiang-Lun Wu: Poisson stochastic integration in Hilbert spaces. Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 6 (1999) 41-61. pdf abstract
1999-6: Guy Wallet: La variété des équations surstables. Bull. Soc. Math. France 128 (2000) 497-528. pdf abstract
1999-5: Nicolas Privault: A characterization of grand canonical Gibbs measures by duality. Potential Analysis 15 (2001) 23-38. pdf abstract
1999-4: Changgui Zhang: Sur la fonction q-Gamma de Jackson. Aequationes Math. 62 (2001) 60-78. pdf abstract
1999-3: Jean-Jacques Prat et Nicolas Privault: Explicit stochastic analysis of Brownian motion and point measures on Riemannian manifolds. Journal of Functional Analysis 167 (1999) 201-242. pdf abstract
1999-2: Laurence Cherfils et Alain Miranville: Generalized Cahn-Hilliard equations with a logarithmic free energy. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas FÃs. Nat. (Esp.) 94 (2000) 19-32. pdf abstract
1999-1: Monique Jeanblanc et Nicolas Privault: A complete market model with Poisson and Brownian components. Proceedings of the Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications, Ascona, 1999, Progress in Probability 52 (2002) 189-204, Birkhäuser. pdf abstract